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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Statistics of Traditional Wharf 2019

Statistics of Traditional Wharf 2019
Catalog Number : 5404005
Publication Number : 05220.2002
ISSN/ISBN : 2714-836X
Release Date : November 27, 2020
File Size : 5.72 MB


ABSTRACTTraditional Wharf (PIT) is a place / location that is usually used for fish landing which generally does not have a permanent dock, small landing scale, and is managed by the local community. The number of PIT in Indonesia in 2019 is 660 PIT. This number is increased 1.69 percent from 2018. Among of the 34 provinces in Indonesia, there are 8 provinces that do not have PIT. There are South Sumatra, Lampung, Bangka Belitung Islands, DKI Jakarta, DI Yogyakarta, Central Kalimantan, South Kalimantan and North Kalimantan.PIT in Indonesia is managed by the Department of Fisheries, groups / individuals, and there is no management. However, most (54.24 percent) of them do not have manager. The total volume of marine fishery production landed at PIT in 2019 is 5.32 million quintals or worth 9.51 trillion rupiah. This production volume decreased by 180 thousand quintals from 2018. In value, this production value increased by around 578 billion rupiah. The largest fish production comes from West Nusa Tenggara Province with 2.28 million quintals (42.87 percent). Based on the type of fish, the largest marine fishery production comes from the skipjack fish with a production volume of 505 thousand quintals and a production value of 723 billion rupiah.
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