BPS-Statistics IndonesiaBPS-Statistics Indonesia
BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Statistics of Traditional Wharf 2018

Statistics of Traditional Wharf 2018
Catalog Number : 5404005
Publication Number : 05220.1904
ISSN/ISBN : 978-602-438-285-8
Release Date : October 22, 2019
File Size : 16.1 MB


Fisheries is an agricultural sub-sector that has an important role in fulfill the consumption and nutritional needs of people in Indonesia. BPS - Statistics Indonesia collects fisheries production data that are landed at the Traditional Wharfs (PIT). This place is not included in one of the categories of Fisheries Port, characterized by traditional (generally there is no permanent dock, landing scale is still small, managed by the local community like public or individual).In 2018, there are 649 Traditional Wharfs (PIT) in Indonesia. From the 649 PIT, 409 are have no management, 194 are managed by groups/personal, and 46 are managed by the fisheries department. Number of PIT by retribution’s collector are divided into 5 parties namely Regional Governments, Fisheries Departments, Private Sectors, KUB (Joint Business Group), and Others such as illegal retributions, etc. From the 58 PIT that collected retributions, 50 percent are collected by Fisheries Departments. The production’s volume of marine fisheries landed at the PIT is 5.33 million quintals, while the production’s value is 8.94 trillion rupiahs.

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