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Commemorating the 20th Anniversary, DWP BPS Holds Anti Aging Workshop

Commemorating the 20th Anniversary, DWP BPS Holds Anti Aging Workshop

December 10, 2019 | Other Activities

Jakarta - "DWP has a strategic role in building the nation. The theme of the DWP Anniversary which falls on 7 December, 'Optimizing DWP's performance as a Government Strategic Partner for National Development Success'. This theme is very relevant to the goals of national development priorities, "said the Main Inspector, Akhmad Jaelani when giving a speech at the BPS DWP on Wednesday (4/12).

Jaelani asserted, HR development cannot be separated from the role of DWP mothers. Mothers play a role in regulating the nutrition consumed, to reduce the stunting rate of children and to prepare generations to become superior humans so they can bring Indonesia forward in the future. BPS will conduct the 2020 Population Census (SP2020). National development needs to support the availability of data. The role of DWP mothers and their contribution in socializing SP2020 online is very much needed.

DWP BPS commemorates the 20th anniversary by presenting a workshop entitled "Healthy, Ageless, and Fit Body with Anti-Aging Diet". The discussion on the anti-aging diet was delivered by a Nutrition Consultant, Rita Ramayulis, a four-breasted mother who still looked fit despite being almost half a century old. The Chairperson of the BPS DWP, Robitoh Jaelani asked the DWP ladies and the female employees not to hesitate to study. Robitoh also explained various DWP activities during 2019 which were packaged in short videos.

Rita explained various eating patterns and habits that can delay body aging. Fruit juice, tea, coffee should be consumed without added sugar. It should be noted that the proportion of carbohydrates, proteins, fruits and vegetables consumed daily. Rita also encouraged BPS employees to come out of the office briefly and bask in the sun at around 11 noon. This is good for blood circulation. Rita defines being fit is the ability of the body to do daily work without causing fatigue, which means at least until 8 pm.

In addition to the anti-aging workshop, the 20th anniversary of DWP also held a food-based tubers competition. Pudding, noodles, cakes and various other foods that use the basic ingredients of tubers are exhibited and assessed by a team of judges. This competition was attended by representatives from BPS DWP throughout Jabodetabek. The creativity of DWP mothers is highly appreciated and becomes an innovation that can be emulated and practiced at home.
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