BPS-Statistics IndonesiaBPS-Statistics Indonesia
BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Village Potential Statistics of Indonesia

Village Potential Statistics of Indonesia
Catalog Number : 1105014
Publication Number : 04300.2205
Release Date : March 24, 2022
File Size : 17.92 MB


Podes 2021 collects a variety of information, both those are potential for villages/kelurahan and information related to vulnerabilities or challenges faced by villages/kelurahan. Information related to the potential of the village/kelurahan includes: employment, education, health, socio-culture, sports and entertainment, transportation, communication and information, economy, security, development and empowerment of the village/kelurahan community. Information related to vulnerabilities or challenges includes natural disasters, environmental pollution, social and health problems in the community, and security disturbances that occur in villages/kelurahan.
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