BPS-Statistics IndonesiaBPS-Statistics Indonesia
BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Statistics of Fishery Establishment 2020

Statistics of Fishery Establishment 2020
Catalog Number : 5401003
Publication Number : 05200.2116
ISSN/ISBN : 2714-8424
Release Date : November 29, 2021
File Size : 7.52 MB


Fisheries is one of important sectors. The output produced by fisheries sector is wide-needed to meet nutrition and protein, especially for Indonesian population and the world community in general. Fishery statistical data is needed to determine the potential of natural sources that are useful for planning materials and policies, especially in fisheries sector. The collection of data on fishery Establishments is one of the efforts to complete the uncomplete-statistical data on fisheries. Fishery establishment data is collected from all fishery establishment in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia. Establishment that is covered are fishery establishment having legal entities that carry out capture or aquaculture activities. The data collected includes data on production, labor, production facilities and cost structure. The method used to collect data is a complete enumeration of all fishing establishment. Data collection is carried out regularly every year. The number of active fishing establishment in 2020 reached 101 establishments. DKI Jakarta is the province that has the most fishing establishment, amounted 27 establishments. In 2020, the number of establishments carrying out aquaculture activities reached 283 establishment, spread across 22 provinces and most are located in East Java Province with 129 establishments (45.58 percent). By its type of culture, aquaculture activity is still dominated by brackish water culture (186 establishments), followed by hatchery (64 establishments), then marine culture (26 establishments) and the last freshwater culture (7 establishments).
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