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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

The Weighting Pattern and The Basket of Goods and Services in The Calculation of Consumer Price Index, Book 3

The Weighting Pattern and The Basket of Goods and Services in The   Calculation of Consumer Price Index, Book 3
Catalog Number : 7102037
Publication Number : 06230.2003
ISSN/ISBN : 978-602-438-333-6
Release Date : March 27, 2020
File Size : 5.09 MB


"The Weighting Pattern and The Basket of Goods and Services in The Calculation of Consumer Price Index 2018" presents the results of the Survei Biaya Hidup (SBH) 2018 , which is the commodity package and the weighting pattern that discusses the consumption patterns of people in urban areas. SBH 2018 was implemented in 90 cities, namely 34 provincial capitals and 56 other cities.
SBH was carried out by the Statistics Indonesia seven times, in 1977/1978 in 17 provincial capitals, in 1989 it was held in 27 provincial capitals, in 1990 it was held in 27 provincial capitals and 17 cities. Furthermore, SBH was implemented in 30 provincial capitals and 15 cities in 2002, in 2007 in 33 provincial capitals and 33 cities. Then, the SBH was implemented in 33 provincial capitals and 49 cities in 2012, and finally in 2018, the SBH was implemented in 34 provincial capitals and 56 other cities.

This publication provides the basic expenditure and the weighting pattern of commodities used as the basis for calculating the Consumer Price Index (CPI). This publication discusses cities in Kalimantan, Bali, and Nusa Tenggara Islands.

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