BPS-Statistics IndonesiaBPS-Statistics Indonesia
BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Analysis of Current Issues 2019

Analysis of Current Issues 2019
Catalog Number : 9101009
Publication Number : 07310.1904
ISSN/ISBN : 978-602-438-304-6
Release Date : December 11, 2019
File Size : 4.42 MB


Analysis of Current Issues 2019 is a publication of Statistics-Indonesia presenting an overview of phenomena that occur in 2019 or conditions that may develop in the coming year. This publication discusses four themes. The first theme was entitled "The Impact of the Palu-Donggala and Sunda Strait Natural Disasters on the Regional Economy". This theme was chosen against the background that the major disaster striking the Sunda Strait and Palu-Donggala at the end of 2018 had an impact on regional economic conditions. The analysis was needed to predict disaster losses of affected regions.The second theme is titled "Comparative Analysis of Village Development Conditions Before and After the Village Fund Allocation Program". This theme discusses the impact of giving village funds indirectly by comparing various aspects of community welfare in the moments before and after village funds are given.The third theme is titled "Aging the Population and Its Challenges in the Future in the Perspective of Employment". This theme was chosen because Indonesia will face an aging population. This condition needs to be addressed earlier. This study describes the current conditions of the elderly and the population which will be elderly in the coming years (population 40 years or older). In this study also analyses the possibility of the elderly to work by analyzing several social and economic factors. The fourth theme is "The Effects of the 2019 Elections in Some Economic Indicators in Indonesia". This study aims to analyze a number of macro indicators that are allegedly affected by 2019 election activities. The macro indicators are exchange rate of the rupiah, the composite stock price index, prices (inflation), and economic growth.
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