BPS-Statistics IndonesiaBPS-Statistics Indonesia
BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Trend of Selected Socio-Economic Indicators of Indonesia February 2019

Trend of Selected Socio-Economic Indicators of Indonesia February 2019
Catalog Number : 3101015
Publication Number : 03230.1902
Release Date : May 2, 2019
File Size : 3.29 MB


academicians, businessmen, and other parties who need data andstatistical information which is general, concise, and strategic, butstill cover wide range of statistical areas.The data within this edition includes geographical situation,population and labor, social affairs, consumption expenditures,agriculture, manufacturing and construction, foreign trade, tourismand transportation, finance and prices, and national and regionalincome. Technical notes for each statistics are also included in thispublication to provide a better understanding in interpreting data fordata users and infoghrapic support for each chapter.We hope this booklet can provide valuable information to BPSdata users, both public and government officials. Hopefully, thispublication will be a useful resource for any purpose.Thanks for all parties who have dedicated their time andefforts in publishing this February 2019 edition booklet. Critics andcomments for improvement of the next edition would be greatlyappreciated.
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