BPS-Statistics IndonesiaBPS-Statistics Indonesia
BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Welfare Indicators 2018

Welfare Indicators 2018
Catalog Number : 4102004
Publication Number : 07330.1815
Release Date : November 28, 2018
File Size : 6.28 MB


Welfare Indicators 2018 is the 47th annual publication of BPS-Statisics Indonesia, presenting the welfare status of Indonesian people, its trend and variation across provinces and urban/rural areas. This publication provides a number of welfare aspects for which the data are available and measureable. To provide a better interpretation, changes in welfare status are analysed based on eight aspects namely population, health and nutrition, education, employment, consumption level and pattern, housing and environment, poverty, and other social aspects which become the basis for the effort of improving quality of life. This year, the publication Social Welfare Indicators 2018 discusses a topic about access to housing and settlements in Indonesia, especially for low income communities. This topic provides an overview of the access to housing and settlements described through ownership of housing, adequate housing infrastructure, and housing environmental conditions of low income communities.
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