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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Preliminary Study on Gender Inequality Index 2016

Preliminary Study on Gender Inequality Index 2016
Catalog Number : 2104020
Publication Number : 07310.1701
ISSN/ISBN : 978-602-438-090-8
Release Date : August 15, 2017
File Size : 2.55 MB


A preliminary study on the preparation of the Gender Inequality Index (IIG) was conducted to obtain a statistically accountable methodology. This needs to be done because the measurement methodology of IIG built by UNDP can not be fully implemented in Indonesia. Some indicator components are not available on a regular basis and are not available until the regency/city level. Thus, this preliminary study is expected to produce scientifically acceptable composite indicators taking into account factors such as regional conditions, data availability, and more statistically appropriate methodologies. Preliminary Study of Gender Inequality Index 2016 produces IIG at the provincial level. Please note, IIG figures in this publication are preliminary and can not be used for policy-making basis. Further studies are still needed to produce accurate IIG numbers and can be used as official figures as a basis for policy at the provincial and regency/city levels.
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