BPS-Statistics IndonesiaBPS-Statistics Indonesia
BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Environment Statistics of Indonesia 2006/2007

Environment Statistics of Indonesia 2006/2007
Catalog Number : 3305001
Publication Number : 04320.0701
ISSN/ISBN : 0216-6224
Release Date : November 22, 2007
File Size : 15.46 MB


This publication provides three types of environment: natural environment, man-made environment, and social environment. Each is seen from three environmental dimension: pressure, impact, and respond. Natural environment consists of six subchapter: forest, land, fish in open water, water, mineral, and natural condition. Man-made environment consists of forestry, housing, health, industry, trade, agriculture, water management and utilisation, transportation and natural disaster. Social environment consists of five sub chapter: population dynamics and quality, household health, traffic accident victim number and the respond. This publication was published with BPS Catalog: 2202.
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