BPS-Statistics IndonesiaBPS-Statistics Indonesia
BPS-Statistics Indonesia

The main pattern of distribution of trade in rice, red chili, onion and chicken meat in 2019 has the same number of main chains as the previous year

The main pattern of distribution of trade in rice, red chili, onion and chicken meat in 2019 has the same number of main chains as the previous year
Release Date : December 15, 2020
File Size : 1.65 MB


The main patterns of trade distribution in Indonesia:
1. Rice: Producers -> Distributors -> Retailers -> End Consumers.
2. Red chili: Farmers -> Collectors -> Retailers -> End Consumers.
3. Shallots: Farmers -> Collectors -> Retailers -> End Consumers.
4. Breed chicken: Producers -> Retailers -> End Consumers.

The total national rice trade and transportation margin (TTM) in 2019 was 22.34 percent; red chilies 61.31 percent; red onion 38.01 percent; and chicken meat 25.53 percent.

The main pattern of rice trade distribution with the highest total TTM occurred in DKI Jakarta Province, red chili in Central Kalimantan, shallot in West Papua, and chicken meat in North Kalimantan.

The main pattern of rice trade distribution with the lowest total TTM occurred in West Nusa Tenggara Province, red chilies in Bali, shallots in Jambi, and chicken meat in South Sumatra.
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