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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

February 2018, nominal daily wage of farmer labour increased 0.52 percent

February 2018, nominal daily wage of farmer labour increased 0.52 percent
Release Date : March 15, 2018
File Size : 0.12 MB


The nominal wage of the worker / worker is the average daily wage received by the worker in return for the work that has been done.

The real wage of the worker / worker represents the purchasing power of the wage / income received by the worker / worker.

Real wage is the ratio between nominal wage and household consumption index.

The daily nominal wage of national farmer labour in February 2018 rose by 0.52 percent compared to the wages of national farmer labour in January 2018, from Rp51,110 to Rp51,378.00 per day. Real wages rose by 0.09 percent.

The daily nominal wage of construction workers (non-foreman workers) in February 2018 rose 0.50 percent compared to January 2018 wages, from Rp85,206.00 to Rp85,632.00 per day. Real wages increased by 0.33 percent.
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