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Keeping Physical Distance, Closer to Heart Distance

Keeping Physical Distance, Closer to Heart Distance

May 21, 2021 | Other Activities

Jakarta - Minal Aidin Wal Faizin, literally means that hopefully we are all classified as people who return to nature and gain victory. Ustadz Emil Azman, a BPS retiree who previously served as the Director of Industrial Statistics of BPS, delivered a religious lecture related to the moment of Eid and the importance of staying in touch at the BPS family halalbihalal event, Wednesday (19/05).

"Those who like to expand their livelihoods and lengthen their age, let them connect with the relationship." (HR. Bukhari and Muslim) Even though with physical limitations, the activities that are still in the nuances of Eid between the central and regional BPS 10 BPS and virtually.

With the theme "Maintaining Physical Distance, Closer to Heart Distance," of course, we expect us to maintain physical distance in the midst of a pandemic that is still never ending. Even though we are far apart, our hearts will always be close, ”said Kecuk Suhariyanto, Head of BPS.

Even though going home is prohibited, it does not mean that friendship cannot be done. By utilizing technology, we can still greet relatives with those who are there. "Give my warm greetings to the family," said Kecuk.

On the same occasion, Kecuk also invited all BPS personnel to take lessons and meanings in the month of Ramadan and the momentum of Eid. "Let's return our holy intentions by working as well as possible for BPS and the country by producing quality data for advanced Indonesia, especially in this functional era, we must increase productivity at work," he concluded. (# humasnews / RAF, Deko)

#Movement of LoveData
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