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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Together We Win the Census War!

Together We Win the Census War!

January 31, 2020 | BPS Activities

"Census warriors and Indonesian people must unite. Collaborate, set strategy. Let's build Indonesia Jaya! ”The lights of various spotlights filled the room when the narration was read, accompanying theatrical action at the opening of the BPS Provincial Technical Meeting in Indonesia in 2020 (01/20).

Located at the Borobudur Hotel, Jakarta, the activities of the technical meeting (ratek), held from 20 to 22 January 2020, took the theme "Stepping Together to Succeed a Population Census for Advanced Indonesia". In the activity which was attended by 388 participants from all over Indonesia, the SP2020 theme song was also played, entitled "Noting Indonesia" by the musician Eross Candra.

"The concept carried in this context is the Census War, how we equate the vision and strategy to jointly strengthen the BPS forces and win the census war," said Nurma Midayanti, Director of Population and Labor Statistics in her report.

"The war drums have been played, so there is no other choice for us but to win the war," said ‘Warlord’ SP2020, Margo Yuwono as Deputy of Social Statistics. Margo explained the details regarding the SP2020's long journey. Starting from collaboration with the Directorate General of Dukcapil to various challenges that may be faced in conducting the census in the modern era. "If the business process is clear, the goal is clear, in fact the regions can carry out according to their respective creativity," said Margo.

This was agreed upon by Kecuk Suhariyanto as the Head of BPS. He stated that the Ratek who concentrated on SP2020 was expected to be a means to discuss solutions to problems surrounding SP2020. Kecuk emphasized, "If there is an innovation, we must focus on the solutions offered, not just focus on the obstacles that might arise." carrying out this seventh population census.
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