BPS-Statistics IndonesiaBPS-Statistics Indonesia
BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Sectoral statistical training, a concrete manifestation of the role of BPS as a statistics coach

Sectoral statistical training, a concrete manifestation of the role of BPS as a statistics coach

November 22, 2019 | Other Activities

In order to improve the ability of regional governments in the field of statistics, BPS conducts sectoral statistical training. Located in the BPS Training Center, sectoral statistics training is held in 4 (four) batches. Training for batch I and II was held on 18-22 November 2019, while for batch III and IV it was held on November 25-29, 2019. Participants for sectoral statistical training came from the Provincial BPS and Provincial Apparatuses who carried out government affairs in the field of statistics. Most of the participants from the Provincial BPS are statistician functional officials, while participants from the Provincial Regional Apparatus are employees who are related to the statistical field.

For 5 (five) days the training participants received material about the stages of conducting statistics in accordance with the Generic Statistical Business Process Model (GSBPM) and the introduction of the Integrated Statistical Data Management Information System (SIMDASI). Training material was delivered by widyaiswara who came from the BPS Training Center and lecturers who came from the Subject Matter at BPS. Sectoral statistics training is more directed at practical activities than theory. At the end of the activity the participants were asked to explain the results that had been obtained during the training.

The series of activities did not stop until the completion of the sectoral statistical training in the BPS Education and Training Center. After getting material on sectoral statistics, the participants are expected to be able to share / spread the knowledge they have gained. Later, the participants will become facilitators who will bring the material on sectoral statistics to the Regional Apparatus for Government Statistics in their respective Regencies / Cities. With the increasing understanding in the field of statistics, it is expected that the implementation of sectoral statistics by local governments will be better in the future. The better implementation of sectoral statistics will encourage the realization of a reliable, effective and efficient National Statistics System (SSN).
Badan Pusat Statistik

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