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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

I am a Hero of the Present

I am a Hero of the Present

November 11, 2019 | Other Activities

Jakarta - The 2019 National Heroes Day commemoration ceremony at BPS  was held on Monday (11/11) morning. With the theme "I am a Hero of the Present" the ceremony was preceded by a young rank of prospective Civil Servants (CPNS) BPS in 2019 and was under the direct supervision of the BPS Head, Kecuk Suhariyanto, as the ceremonial supervisor.
"Being a hero today can be done by anyone, especially in the form of concrete actions that strengthen the Republic of Indonesia," Kecuk said. Reading the mandate by the Minister of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, Kecuk hoped that the value of heroism could grow to all BPS employees. Not enough to get there, Kecuk also reminded all employees to be ready to become today's heroes. The trick is to work professionally by providing data that will undoubtedly solve the nation's problems in the future.
In the midst of the morning sun, the ceremony that took place solemnly showed the spirit of BPS in filling the Heroes' Day activities. Ceremonies that are not merely ceremonial are one way to keep the heroes' spirits up and emulate the sacrifices they have made.
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