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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

BPS of Jawa Tengah Goes To UNDIP

BPS of Jawa Tengah Goes To UNDIP

November 11, 2019 | Other Activities

Semarang - BPS make an effort to bring statistical data closer to the community. This time BPS Jawa Tengah Province was present in the middle of Diponegoro University (Undip) Semarang students in the BPS Goes To Campus (GTC) event, Monday (11/11). Head of Jawa Tengah Province BPS, Sentot Bangun Widoyono along with his staff attended the event.
Dean of the Faculty of Science and Mathematics, Widowati appreciated the lyrics of the mars statistical song which meant optimization of statistical data. "Utilizing statistical data to build a nation. Every time we have data, it can be processed, analyzed and concluded," Widowati said in his speech, at the meeting hall of the Faculty of Science and Mathematics Undip.
"Even though the data is everywhere, sometimes when searching for data is difficult. The Indonesian One Data Program (SDI) meets data standards, so the data is not confusing," Sentot explained in his presentation. Sentot also explained the link between data updates and appropriate policies. The role of the community in improving statistics is better among them being honest respondents, actively reporting changes in personal data and also being able to provide feedback to correct correct data. "The 2020 Population Census will record Indonesia. You must not miss it," Sentot said at the end of his message.
Tiyas Ambarsari, Head of the Statistics Promotion Section introduces the Statistical Service Information System (SILASTIC), which is easily accessible from anywhere. After the exposure, students were given games with various attractive prizes. A variety of data collection videos and statistical services were also displayed to introduce data to students, as well as to actively participate in BPS data collection activities.
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