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The Head of BPS Inaugurated the BPS Building in Bireuen and Pidie Jaya Districts

The Head of BPS Inaugurated the BPS Building in Bireuen and Pidie Jaya Districts

January 11, 2019 | Other Activities

Jakarta - "I feel warm and handsome with these Acehnese clothes," joked Kecuk Suhariyanto, Head of BPS in front of the BPS ranks of Bireuen District and echelon III in Aceh province for the first time to Bireuen to formalize the BPS office building in Bireuen and Pidie Jaya Districts. Aceh.

The inauguration of this building on Thursday (3/1) was also attended by the Regent of Bireuen, Saifannur. The Head of BPS of Bireuen Regency, Dara Dian said that with an area of ​​581 square meters and two floors, it would be able to improve the quality of work of 24 BPS staff of Bireuen Regency.

A little different from what happened in the BPS District of Pidie Jaya, according to Wahyudin, Head of the BPS Province of Aceh. "Although the building was classified as new in 2014, but due to the earthquake of 2016, the BPS building in Pidie Jaya Regency was not suitable for use anymore," he explained, explaining the background of revitalizing the BPS building in Pidie Jaya Regency.

In the future, according to Kecuk there will be a priority in the construction of BPS buildings in the regions. "Especially for those in North Lombok, Karangasem, Palu, who were affected by the earthquake," said Kecuk. "I invite friends to design the interior. The office is no longer formal, it is made like a second home, as comfortable as possible. I ask that this office is not only good when it is just built, take care of it like the house itself. this building was built by public money, so it must be used for many people. Open the door to the widest possible office. Whoever comes must be treated equally, "Kecuk ordered.
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