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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

NTP, Measured Farmer's Purchasing Power

NTP, Measured Farmer's Purchasing Power

October 15, 2018 | BPS Activities

Bali - "Farmer Exchange Rate (NTP, red) is currently one of the strategic indicators so that in producing this number we must be very careful. This is related to the livelihoods of Indonesian farmers, "said Yunita Rusanti, Deputy for Distribution Statistics and Services when opening the Workshop on the Discussion of Commodity Scales Diagrams at Aston Bali Hotels, (2/10). The activity lasts until 6 October 2018.

NTP generated by BPS is the center of attention of many parties, and it has even been proposed to enter into macro assumptions such as inflation and economic growth. Therefore, as an agency that issued these figures, BPS must be able to explain well the phenomenon behind NTP numbers and derivative products, such as rural inflation.

Furthermore, Adi Nugroho, Head of the BPS Province of Bali also emphasized that BPS should be able to provide an explanation of the conditions considered to be anomalies by ordinary people, such as low NTP precisely when the harvest season is increasing and during the dry season. This kind of thing happens because during the harvest season, agricultural production is abundant and has no price. In fact, often farmers cannot afford to pay harvest laborers because they do not match the value of their sales.

On the fourth day, all participants consisting of the Head of the Financial Statistics and Producer Statistics Section of the Provincial BPS throughout Indonesia conducted a field survey practice by visiting the market and some farmers in Tabanan Regency. Participants were divided into three groups to consolidate the Consumer Price Survey and the Rural Producer Price Survey. This activity is certainly one of BPS's efforts to continue to oversee the quality of the data produced.
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